Startup OutReach Brasil
Startup OutReach Brasil is an internationalization program that is free-of-charge and supports the insertion of Brazilian startups in the world’s most promising innovation ecosystems.
Sobre o OutReach
O Startup OutReach Brasil visa a atender empreendedores brasileiros de negócios tecnológicos que desejam realizar uma imersão nos mais promissores ecossistemas de empreendedorismo do mundo e expandir seus negócios para esses destinos.
O programa seleciona startups brasileiras já estabelecidas, que estejam faturando ou que tenham recebido algum tipo de investimento.
É necessário que os empreendedores tenham fluência em inglês, e que as empresas tenham 100% da equipe dedicada ao negócio e demonstrem capacidade de se expandir internacionalmente sem comprometer suas operações no país.
Startup OutReach Brasil's history
Since its beginning in 2017, the program has conducted 15 internationalization cycles in 10 different countries, attending more than 300 startups. All cycles were supported by experienced specialists in the target market to provide entrepreneurs the best experience possible.
Buenos Aires
Etapas do programa
The first stage of the program is conducted entirely online. Its goal is to train and guide the startup to prospect business partners in the target country. Forty startups are selected to receive technical and group mentorship and training in how to perform an international pitch. They participate in a business agenda organized by a matchmaker and other activities.
The 15 best startups from the Virtual Mission go to next level which includes in-person and online activities to deepen training and guide them into an immersion in the destination’s innovation ecosystem. The entrepreneurs will enter an international mission, during which they will visit innovation environments, meet some of the main actors in innovation entrepreneurship of the destination and have the opportunity to make an inperson presentations of their business to investors, potential clients and partners.
After the experience in the international market, the entrepreneurs receive support in validating the internationalization strategy, attract investment, and to export to or incubate in the destination country. In addition, the program’s organizing institutions and partners can offer local services.
Como escolhemos os ecossistemas?
Buscamos ecossistemas dinâmicos e avançados, que incentivam o empreendedorismo e a inovação. Geralmente são cidades estratégicas que possuem uma embaixada ou consulado brasileiro. Procuramos os destinos ideais para as startups buscarem conexões, evolução dos seus negócios e expansão internacional.